// $Id: countdowntimer.module,v 2008/04/21 18:47:34 jvandervort Exp $ if (Drupal.jsEnabled) { $(document).ready(countdown_auto_attach); } var formats = ['(%dow% %moy%%day%)
%days% days + %hours%:%mins%:%secs%','Only %days% days, %hours% hours, %mins% minutes and %secs% seconds left', '%days% shopping days left', '(%dow% %moy%%day%)
%days% days + %hours%:%mins%:%secs%']; function jstimer(timer_element) { /* defaults */ var d = {year:"2068",month:"1",day:"1",hour:"00",min:"00",sec:"00",tz_hours:-8,dir:"down",format_num:0, format_txt:"", timer_complete:new String('Timer Completed'), highlight:new String('style="color:red"').split(/=/), threshold:new Number('5')}; /* jstimer.properties */ this.element = timer_element; this.d = d; /* jstimer.methods */ this.parse_datetime = parse_datetime; this.update_timer = update_timer; /* get tagged datetime */ this.parse_datetime(); this.to_date = new Date(); this.to_date.setFullYear(d.year,d.month-1,d.day); this.to_date.setHours(d.hour); this.to_date.setMinutes(d.min); this.to_date.setSeconds(d.sec); var tz_offset_client = -(this.to_date.getTimezoneOffset()*60*1000); //getTimezoneOffset: minutes between the time on the current machine and UTC var tz_offset = (d.tz_hours*60*60*1000); var msecs = this.to_date.getTime(); this.to_date.setTime(msecs - tz_offset + tz_offset_client); var myDays=["Sun","Mon","Tue","Wed","Thu","Fri","Sat","Sun"]; var myMonths=new Array("Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec"); dow = myDays[this.to_date.getDay()]; moy = myMonths[this.to_date.getMonth()]; // replace the static stuff in the format string if ( d.format_txt != "" ) { this.outformat = d.format_txt; } else { this.outformat = formats[d.format_num]; } this.outformat = this.outformat.replace(/%day%/,d.day); this.outformat = this.outformat.replace(/%month%/,d.month); this.outformat = this.outformat.replace(/%year%/,d.year); this.outformat = this.outformat.replace(/%moy%/,moy); this.outformat = this.outformat.replace(/%dow%/,dow); } function parse_datetime() { var strdate = $(this.element).children("span[@name=datetime]").html(); if ( String(strdate) != "null" ) { /* 1995-02-04T15:00:00 International Standard ISO 8601 */ this.d.original_date = strdate; var date_and_time = String(strdate).split('T'); if ( date_and_time.length == 2 ) { var date_only = date_and_time[0].split('-'); if ( date_only.length == 3 ) { this.d.year = date_only[0]; this.d.month = date_only[1]; this.d.day = date_only[2]; } var time_only = String(date_and_time[1]).split(':'); this.d.hour = time_only[0] || this.d.hour; this.d.min = time_only[1] || this.d.min; this.d.sec = time_only[2] || this.d.sec; } this.d.dir = $(this.element).children("span[@name=dir]").html() || this.d.dir; this.d.tz_hours = $(this.element).children("span[@name=tz_hours]").html() || this.d.tz_hours; this.d.format_num = $(this.element).children("span[@name=format_num]").html() || this.d.format_num; this.d.format_txt = $(this.element).children("span[@name=format_txt]").html() || ""; if ( String(this.d.format_txt).match("'") ) { this.d.format_txt = "Format may not contain single quotes(')."; } this.d.threshold = $(this.element).children("span[@name=threshold]").html() || this.d.threshold; this.d.timer_complete = $(this.element).children("span[@name=complete]").html() || this.d.timer_complete; } else { /* legacy format */ strdate = $(this.element).html(); this.d.dir = "down"; var date_and_time = strdate.split(' '); if (typeof(date_and_time[0]) != 'undefined' && date_and_time[0] != '') { var date_only = date_and_time[0].split('-'); this.d.year = date_only[0] || this.d.year; this.d.month = date_only[1] || this.d.month ; this.d.day = new String(date_only[2] || this.d.day) ; } if (typeof(date_and_time[1]) != 'undefined' && date_and_time[1] != '') { var time_only = date_and_time[1].split(':'); this.d.hour = time_only[0] || this.d.hour; this.d.min = time_only[1] || this.d.min; this.d.sec = time_only[2] || this.d.sec; } if (typeof(date_and_time[2]) != 'undefined' && date_and_time[2] != '') { this.d.tz_hours = date_and_time[2]; } if (typeof(date_and_time[3]) != 'undefined' && date_and_time[3] != '') { if ( date_and_time[3] > 0 && date_and_time[3] < 4 ) { this.d.format_num = date_and_time[3]; } } } } // update_timer: returns false if the timer is done. function update_timer() { var now_date = new Date(); var diff_secs; if ( this.d.dir == "down" ) { diff_secs = Math.floor((this.to_date.getTime() - now_date.getTime()) / 1000); } else { diff_secs = Math.floor((now_date.getTime() - this.to_date.getTime()) / 1000); } if ( this.d.dir == "down" && diff_secs < 0 ) { /* timer counting down */ $(this.element).html(this.d.timer_complete); return false; } else { var years = Math.floor(diff_secs / 60 / 60 / 24 / 365.25); var days = Math.floor(diff_secs / 60 / 60 / 24); var ydays = Math.ceil(days - (years * 365.25)); var hours = Math.floor(diff_secs / 60 / 60) - (days * 24); var minutes = Math.floor(diff_secs / 60) - (hours * 60) - (days * 24 * 60); var seconds = diff_secs - (minutes * 60) - (hours * 60 * 60) - (days * 24 * 60 * 60); var outhtml = new String(this.outformat); outhtml = outhtml.replace(/%years%/,years); outhtml = outhtml.replace(/%ydays%/,ydays); outhtml = outhtml.replace(/%days%/,days); outhtml = outhtml.replace(/%hours%/,LZ(hours)); outhtml = outhtml.replace(/%mins%/,LZ(minutes)); outhtml = outhtml.replace(/%secs%/,LZ(seconds)); if ( days == 1 ) { outhtml = outhtml.replace(/days/,'day'); //kludge, find a better way } if ( years == 1 ) { outhtml = outhtml.replace(/years/,'year'); //kludge, find a better way } if ( this.d.dir == "up" && diff_secs <= 0 ) { $(this.element).html('Count Up Date is in the future
orig_target=' + this.d.original_date + ' ' + this.d.tz_hours + '
local=' + this.to_date + '
'); } else if ( this.d.dir == "down" && (diff_secs <= (this.d.threshold * 60)) ) { $(this.element).html('' + outhtml + ''); } else { $(this.element).html(outhtml); } return true; } } var running = 0; var timer_stack = new Array(); function countdown_auto_attach() { $(".countdowntimer").each( function(i) { // arg i is the position in the each fieldset var t = new jstimer(this,1); timer_stack[timer_stack.length] = t; if ( running == 0 ) { running = 1; timer_loop(); } } ); } function timer_loop() { for (var i = timer_stack.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if ( timer_stack[i].update_timer() == false ) { timer_stack.splice(i, 1); } } setTimeout('timer_loop()',999); } function LZ(x) { return (x >= 10 || x < 0 ? "" : "0") + x; }